New York, New York
The images above are but a few from a lovely post that I stumbled across by ephemera-nut Eric Baker on Design Observer.
New York, New York
The images above are but a few from a lovely post that I stumbled across by ephemera-nut Eric Baker on Design Observer.
(poster by the talented and prolific McRay Magleby)
My older brother Jim always loved blue cars. I liked everything but…
(sources unknown)
Winnipeg, Canada
It’s been a busy weekend, helping Ev set up and then disassemble her Handmade Holiday Sale craft table at the West End Cultural Centre. An unexpected bonus was the discovery of some beautiful silk-screened posters in the venue’s lobby and hallways… bearing socialist quotables by the likes of Woody Guthrie, Dom Hélder Câmara, and Bertold Brecht. (My apologies for the crappy photos—low light and shiny glass made for less than ideal conditions).
Lisbon, Portugal
Anyone working in a creative field knows the challenge of bringing a good idea to fruition. Some days it feels like you’re battling a veritable conspiracy of idea-killers—diminishing budgets, focus groups, the client’s legal department, etc., etc. The depiction of good ideas and their respective enemies was the premise of these clever illustrations (lots more here) done by Scott Campbell as part of a Portuguese ad campaign promoting the film company Show Off! View the full ads here.
Thanks for the link Gregor.
As the story goes…
A wealthy man commissioned Pablo Picasso to paint a portrait of his wife. Startled by the non-representational image on the final canvas, the woman’s husband complained to the artist, “This isn’t how she really looks.”
When asked by the great painter how she really looked, the man produced a photograph from his wallet. Returning the photograph, Pablo observed, “Small, isn’t she?”
+ + + + +
Images by Picasso: Self Portrait, 1907; Jacqueline, 1954.
Le Mans, France
Julien Pacaud is a French illustrator. In previous iterations, he was (allegedly) an astrophysicist, an international snooker champion, a hypnotist, and an Esperanto teacher. He hopes that he can someday find enough free time to devote himself to his real passion… time travel.
All I know, is that Julien does some great collage-based illustration… see more here.