Rabbit Ears Pass, Colorado
Step by step by snow-shoe’d step, this massive snow drawing was trampled into freshly fallen snow by artist Sonja Hinrichsen (with the help of 5 volunteers) last month… ephemeral art-making at its finest. Photos are by Cedar Beauregard and you can watch a beautiful aerial video sequence here.
(source) Along a similar bent, check out the large-scale work of Simon Beck on the frozen lakes of Savoie, France.
—Dorothy Parker (find more pointed witticisms by her here)

(from ‘brain pickings’)
I enjoyed these “hyper-minimalist” posters that distill complex stories into clean graphic elements. See more here.
(Thanks to my Belgian philosopher friend Filip Spagnoli for the link).

Portland, Oregon
Artist Brittany Powell makes quick and clever sandwich sculptures that recreate the works of famous artists such as Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, Duchamp and others… savor more here. The sandwiches are part of her Low-Commitment Projects, a series of artistic concepts and schemes “that don’t require any significant outlay of time, energy or money.”
My stomach just growled… seems I have a hankering for a Mondrian. (Thanks to friend Bob Roach for the link).
Famous last words are often particularly profound…
God will pardon me, that’s his line of work.
—poet Heinrich Heine, d. 1856
I’ve had eighteen straight whiskies, I think that’s the record…
—poet Dylan Thomas, d. 1953
Either that wallpaper goes, or I do.
—writer Oscar Wilde, d. 1900
(Yes, I’ve posted these previously…they’re famous, after all).

Winnipeg, Canada
Designer colleagues from across the country were commenting today (on the GDC Listserv) about the wonderful old signage that adorns many of the buildings here in the Exchange District (where CIRCLE is situated). I’ve now spent nearly 36 years surrounded by these fading facades… and I have to admit, they really do grow on a person.
Shown above are a few samples from a Flickr collection by Bryan Scott. All images © Bryan Scott.

Winnipeg, Canada
With tongue firmly planted in cheek, here’s a redux/re-issue of a short comparative guide to religions entitled An Excremental Exegesis that I put together back in September of 2009 (a copyfree 376K PDF version is available here for your enjoyment and free dissemination).

Kiev, Ukraine
This conceptual “anti-smoke pack” by Reynolds and Reyner employs dark humor that goes straight to the point. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco use kills more than 5 million people per year—that’s 1 death every 6.3 seconds. It is responsible for 1 in 10 adult deaths, and among the five greatest risk factors for mortality, it is the single most preventable cause of death.