Winnipeg, Canada
At the request of our local GDC chapter I prepared a presentation on the importance of preparing and using written agreements. This was driven home by some unscrupulous clients I encountered early in my practice, resulting in my being obliged to learn more than I had ever thought possible regarding the ins and outs of contractual law. Suffice it to say, those painful early lessons have proved invaluable over time…

Winnipeg, Canada
Buy Nothing Christmas is a national initiative started by Canadian Mennonites who offer a prophetic “no” to the patterns of over-consumption of middle-class North Americans. They are inviting others to join a movement to de-commercialize Christmas and re-design a lifestyle that is richer in meaning, smaller in impact upon the earth, and greater in giving to people less-privileged. Visit www.buynothingchristmas.org for more information and to access alternative resources.
I met Aiden Enns (former managing editor of Adbusters and the key driver behind Buy Nothing Christmas) a few months ago and was impressed by his alternative vision as well as his personal integrity and the efforts he invests in shaping a better world. I’ve always been troubled by the obscene commercialism of Christmas, and when Aiden asked if I would put some creative effort into supporting the Buy Nothing Christmas initiative, I didn’t hesitate. This is one of the posters I designed… (less is more).