Robert L. Peters

22 March 2010

In the crosshairs… Bottled Water.





Berkeley, California

The talented folks at Free Range Studios (who previously produced highly effective viral narratives that I’ve blogged about such as The Meatrix and The Story of Stuff) have just released their latest—The Story of Bottled Water. Once again, Annie Leonard delivers an important message with remarkable clarity and focus. View it here.

It’s high time that this story of the evils of bottled water be elevated and shared more broadly. I never have, nor ever will, buy bottled water. Local well or tap water suits me just fine—bottle your own (in a perpetually reusable container). I carry a Sigg bottle with me in my car, and there’s always one on my desk. When traveling in regions of the world where drinking free local water might present a health hazard, I carry an effective, compact, light-weight water filter with me as well—one minute of light pumping provides a liter of clean, refreshing, potable goodness.

Oh, today also happens to be World Water Day.

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