新年好 ~ Happy New Year!
Best wishes to my many Chinese and East Asian friends… I can hear the fireworks and partying all the way up here in the great white north!
Best wishes to my many Chinese and East Asian friends… I can hear the fireworks and partying all the way up here in the great white north!
(Any questions?)
Krakow, Poland
Photographer Marcin Ryczek recently captured this once-in-a-lifetime photograph of a man feeding swans and ducks from a snowy river bank…
(detail shown below)
Through graffiti… in every corner of the world.
(original image sources unknown)
Winnipeg, Canada
This will not come as a surprise to anyone who knows me — I am a keen supporter of the Idle No More movement that has recently sprung up in Western Canada, spread across North America, and is now being embraced by both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous peoples around the globe.
With her permission, I republish here writer Linda Goyette’s beautifully-written explanation (she writes much better than I do and she posted this on Facebook four days ago) —“I think this is a defining moment in Canadian history, a time when each citizen is asked to make a choice. Where do you stand? Where will your children and grandchildren want you to stand?”
Why I Support Idle No More
I am no longer a journalist, and I do not seek a bully pulpit on any topic, but tonight I want to explain to my family and friends why I give my unqualified support to the Idle No More movement as a Canadian citizen.
I am becoming more and more concerned about the harsh backlash among non-aboriginal Canadians against this peaceful protest movement. I’m not talking exclusively about virulent racial bigotry and hate speech, although it exists in dark places, but more about the willful denial of reality, the blindness to injustice, among many decent people.
These are the people I address tonight. I respect their right to a different opinion, but I hope they will hear me out.
Four Saskatchewan women—Nina Wilson, Sylvia McAdam, Sheelah McLean and Jessica Gordon—and Chief Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat First Nation in northern Ontario found the courage to say that a change is going to come. Thousands of indigenous people across Canada are demonstrating in peaceful ways to tell the country that they will wait no longer for that change. When I see round dances in shopping malls, peaceful road blockades, or a chief on a hunger strike, I see an opportunity to learn more about the deep frustration of my neighbours. I see no threat at all.
The protesters are asking for the country I want for myself, and for my family…
Read the rest here (86K PDF).
The Canadian Tar Sands (Northern Alberta)
There are currently many wealthy and powerful sources providing misleading information about the Alberta Tar Sands — these include The Harper Government (as our Canadian prime minister insists the media now refer to the elected Canadian Government), “Big Oil” along with those who profit from oil production, and the well-funded lobby in the USA promoting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
To learn important truths about the Tar Sands, please watch this objective two-hour documentary by David Suzuki:
English entomologist and engraver Moses Harris (1730-1788) devised the first full-colour wheel in 1766, creating the foundation of modern colour theory.
“The 18 colours of his wheel were derived from what he then called the three ‘primitive’ colours: red, yellow and blue. At the center of the wheel, Harris showed that black is formed by the superimposition of these colours.”
Thanks Moses. (source)
Köln, Germany
Lars Henkel is a talented illustrator/collagist whose work I stumbled across today… view many more of his meticulously crafted works here.
—R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)
Adieu mon cher ami… Guy-A Schockaert (1949-2013)