Congratulations, Wendy!
Brooklyn, New York
Friend Wendy Richmond’s book Art Without Compromise* has just hit the shelves… the scuttlebutt and some reviews follow, and you can read the Introduction here:
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Art Without Compromise* will inspire artists to change the way they think about their creative landscapes, from personal goals to cultural influences to technological realities. Author Wendy Richmond helps artists to look closely at what they see every day, both in their own art-making and in the world around them. Readers will learn to develop an uncompromising commitment to finding and protecting their own unique process for making their strongest art.
This thought-provoking book covers such topics as:
• understanding the artist’s unique identity in relation to the larger culture
• building systems of support and collaboration
• explaining how an artist’s needs can lead to innovation and authenticity
• responding to the Internet and changing concepts of what is public and private
• accepting digression as a creative necessity
Artists will come away with a clearer perspective of their past and future work, a critical eye for personal relevance, and an abundance of inspiration.
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A few reviews:
“Personal and personable, a first-hand account of the essentials of the creative process, written in an indomitable and penetrating voice and style.”
—Nicholas Negroponte, cofounder, MIT Media Lab; founder and chairman, One Laptop Per Child
“Reading Wendy Richmond is like a conversation with a wise friend. The topic of art and its place in our lives is something we have all thought about; it’s just that she has thought about it more usefully and can explain her ideas with a jargon-free clarity that is an art in itself.”
—Matthew Carter, type designer
“Richmond is absorbed by life and so aware of what is happening around her that she is compelled to make a mental note of it and then speculate later on its significance. Her insights are ironically drawn from the opposite kind of awareness: outsight. Outsight means the ability to see and understand external things clearly. Richmond’s ability to observe and derive is what feeds these chapters.”
—Chris Pullman, artist and former vice president for design, WGBH Boston