Robert L. Peters

11 April 2008

It’s long past time to leave, Mr. Bush…


Washington, DC

George W. Bush today once again defended the costs of the war, in lives and money, declaring that his decision to order more troops to Iraq last year had averted potential defeat there and that withdrawing would be catastrophic to American interests. Speaking at the White House to a small audience that included Vice President Dick Cheney, the secretaries of State and Defense, and representatives of veterans’ organizations, he signaled that an American force nearly as large as at any other point in the last five years would remain in Iraq through his presidency. He left any significant changes in policy to the next president. “Fifteen months ago, Americans were worried about the prospect of failure in Iraq,” he said, sounding a triumphant note about his decision last year to send 30,000 additional troops. “Today, thanks to the surge, we’ve renewed and revived the prospect of success.”

Please, please, get a grip on reality Mr. Bush… the world—along with the hapless and the hopeful in your own nation—deserve so much better! Listen to what recently-returned veterans have to say (from Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan, Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupation), for example here.

Story Source: The New York Times

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