Robert L. Peters

27 February 2004

No Sleeping Dragon… Graphic Design in China


Menlo Park, California

Circle’s Robert L. Peters has written an in-depth 14 page feature article describing the emergence of the graphic design profession in mainland China. The piece appears in the March/April 2004 (#327) issue of Communication Arts magazine, accompanied by a selection of innovative graphic design from this massive, but previously inaccessible nation.

The feature article describes the state of Chinese graphic design today and provides a cultural and historical context for the work presented. Peters has made several trips to various parts of China in the past few years in conjunction with his board role with the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda).

Peters has been contributing articles to Communication Arts magazine since 1995 and has previously written for CA on design and design events in Russia, Portugal, Uruguay, Australia, Korea, Japan, and Brazil. Copies of CA issue #327 are available at book stores and major news outlets around the world and may be purchased online from the Communication Arts website.

Read or download the feature article here. (4.0 MB PDF)

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