Robert L. Peters

9 April 2008

Universal Healthcare… (not).


Somewhere in the USA…

From the “strange but true” side of things… It seems that in 1961, The American Medical Association (AMA) hired the Gipper for a viral marketing campaign dubbed ‘Operation Coffeecup.’ “Doing his part to scuttle the arrival of Medicare, Reagan lays down an 11 minute rap explaining how ‘Socialized Medicine’ can only lead to an America where men are not free. This record was then mailed out to the “ladies auxiliary” (doctors’ wives) of the AMA in each county. Was it this little record that kept Medicare from being signed into law until July 1965?”

Could this possibly be why we our American neighbours still don’t have Universal Health Care? Give a listen: Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine here (mp3). Then, give your head a shake…

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